Sunday, July 5, 2009

Anushka-our daughter

"I need a baby", I said. She blinked like a rocket and then may be her head got shut down.

It was our first date after three years at the newly opened Barista."What!!" she cried loud and may be wanted to slap me tight. "Are you crazy, we have broke up three years and this is just a "Hi" visit, you must be out of your mind, jerk", replied she.

It was lovely fine September morning if I am not wrong, when I met her after thirteen years. I got the news that she is in town for her admission in LAW. We were nine when we met at a family wedding and I still remember the hide and seeks that we used to play to get rid of our boredom from that stupid marriage ceremony, but after that no see. Its pass a decade that we only remember our names. I was waiting for Manisha at the bus stop as we talked the last night. I invented her number the yesterday from someone we both know. We had to talk, obviously. About all the shits that happened, about the plays when we missed each other and about the school tournaments when I broke my ankle to defend the final goal. I was wondering how we will react, it was lovely to wait for her that day.

She gained weight and was looking a little plump but sweet as always. The smile I can remember is still the same. She walked down form the staircase of the city bus and then it happened like reading a James Joyce. Fluent, Lovely and mysterious. It didn't me long to find her who she is and how I like the 'she' in her. I just woke that Friday and rang her to say,’ would you like to be mine?’ She unhesitatingly denied but in vain. I can still feel the first kiss just after town days when we thought of annoying the whole planet or may be the universe to be together.

The cappuccino smell woke me to my present. "This is rubbish! Have you called me for all this crap? I am just too unhappy", Manisha exhausted.

"No........ please! It’s not the way you think. I am not coming back to your life but I just need a baby from you", I know I was disgusting while saying this to her. "Well actually we promised each other on that", I was just trying to be rational.
"Huh! A baby? Do you know what you are saying? I am broke with you since last three years and you are silly to say this to me now. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, Dudul (that’s what she calls me) you must be out of your mind. I am no longer there. We are broke. Wake up, let’s move on. I know its tough but we have to. I know I like you still but it’s not the same. I want to study, work, go abroad and may be marrying someone else someday. C’mon we had enough of the talks on that, please!” she pat me with the tissue paper which she always used to pick to write our names.

"Yeah! I am sorry", said I in no consciousness. "Can I call you sometimes?" I added as she was rubbing the tissue through her upper lips to avoid the white moustache made of the coffee. Her lips are still new to me, they look like a baby’s one, still soft. I wanted to kiss her again.

"Well! Only if you don’t talk silly, but please no calls at night, only when are free, is it okay?’ she allowed in conditions. 'Thanks, I needed that; it was nice to see you again but hei! Loose some weight, huh!” we smiled and smiled over again and I felt like three years younger again. She waved me with her same poise and said good bye. "See you soon". I heard that from her.

Anushka will never meet her mom and dad. She will never come here to play chess and badminton with her father and to disturb her mom with chocolate dirty clothes on her birthdays. Anushka will never take her father to the nearest woods for fishing and she will never hold her mom's hand when she will have a fight with her father. Anushka will be no where; she will only be in her father's dream and may be she will die with him one day. Anushka was our sweet little girl before three years.'